by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Oct 29, 2022
If you’ve been free from dieting for a while and have “mastered” the “normal” way of eating, the next challenge is learning to wholeheartedly accept your body. Sure, this process of letting go of the need to restrict and coming back home to...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Oct 16, 2022
Life is grand, full of magic, hope and possibility. Yeah, I know, it doesn’t really feel this way right now, does it? Most people have felt completely overwhelmed by what’s been going on in the world, worried, even scared. The truth is: shit’s going on and...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Oct 14, 2022
You haven’t even uncovered a tenth of it. Underneath your fears, your destructive habits, the voices of the past, there is a treasure box of intuitive genius that is yet to be unearthed. And just imagine who you could be, how you could shine, vibe and what you...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Oct 7, 2022
In September I had the opportunity to meet one of my ultimate role models and one of the world’s most influential visionaries: Sir Richard Branson. I have been looking up to Richard for – what feels like – ever. I am incredibly inspired by his...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Aug 14, 2020
“I am not enough” might sound like a harsh statement, but let’s sit with it for a moment. For years, we’ve been told to repeat affirmations like “I am enough” to convince ourselves of our worth. And while the intention is good, it’s still a limit, a box, a bar to...
by Anne-Sophie Reinhardt | Aug 5, 2020
Here’s a brutal truth, one that I’ve been shying away from sharing forever. It’s one that I haven’t seen myself for ages. It’s a truth, that when you acknowledge, get, feel and honor will change your relationship to yourself and your life...