
Let. Go. Let the fear of not belonging Go. Let the tension in your shoulders. Go. Let the clouds over your eyes and the fear in your mind Go. Let. Go. of the black-or-white thinking. the tale of having to choose between this and that the either…or and embrace...

Coming Back Home: How to Tap into Your Intuition

Intuition is an inner voice that is always there, waiting to guide, help and inspire us. But, unfortunately, we often neglect to listen to it or even understand its messages, choosing instead to make decisions that are so important, so life-changing, so...

NYC Marathon and the Bliss of Being

I did it! I ran the NYC marathon – the marathon I’ve been dreaming of for 20 years. And hmmm felt weird afterwards. Not joyful, not sad, not a sense of pride or achievement, not disappointment or regret. I just felt hmmm. Which is not what I had expected...

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