Running 7 Marathons on 7 Continents: 73 Days to Go

In 73 days, I’ll be standing at the start line with about 50 other runners, ready to kick off 7 marathons in 7 days on 7 continents, starting in Antarctica. The excitement is off the charts—every nerve in my body is buzzing. But there’s a part of me that’s not...

How Necker Island Invited Me to Re-Earth

Or the story of How I lost My Phone, Found it, Then Lost it Again We were invited to take part in an opening ritual for our first night on Necker Island, and after arriving at the Grand House we each stepped into a circle together. On the table laid out before us was...

Nobody cares about your daily calorie intake

If you desire to be more than your body and let go of the self-described belief that you can’t be who you are unless you have a certain weight, it’s crucial that you stretch yourself, wander out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself with activities...

NYC Marathon and the Bliss of Being

I did it! I ran the NYC marathon – the marathon I’ve been dreaming of for 20 years. And hmmm felt weird afterwards. Not joyful, not sad, not a sense of pride or achievement, not disappointment or regret. I just felt hmmm. Which is not what I had expected...

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