I’m a Swiftie.

I’ve admitted as much in my latest podcast (if you haven’t listened, check it out here), I’ve used her lyrics as inspiration for many of my blog posts over the years and I have listened to her words over and over again throughout the past decade. When she released The Tortured Poets Department in April of this year, I first didn’t listened to it because I had a sense that her songs would cut right through me – as they often do.

I was right. 😉 When I first listened to “I Can Do It with a Broken Heart,” it struck a chord deep within me. This song is a powerful anthem for anyone who has had to put on a brave face while their personal life is in shambles. Like many of Taylor’s songs, this one resonated because it mirrored my own experiences over the past five years.

My Journey of the Last Five Years

Over the past five years, I’ve made strides that I once only dreamed of. I’ve become more successful professionally, worked harder than ever before and had the time of my life doing it. I’ve traveled the world, realized decade-long visions, met idols and role models, and provided memorable experiences for my son. And I’ve done it all with a very broken heart.

Heartache has been a constant shadow, a silent companion to my achievements. It’s been over five years since my relationship ended, and while time has lessened the pain, the scars remain.

Lyrics that Mirror Reality

In “I Can Do It with a Broken Heart,” Taylor sings:

“I’m so depressed, I act like it’s my birthday every day.
I’m so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague.
I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it’s an art.
You know you’re good when you can even do it with a broken heart.”

These lines encapsulate soooo brilliantly the paradox of thriving professionally while struggling personally, of putting on a smile, a brave face and an “I can do anything” attitude when all you want is to curl up in bed and grief the guy you’ve loved with all your heart.

Here are some lessons I gained from listening to this song on repeat.

Lesson 1: Embrace the Pain

Our broken hearts and our struggles are integral parts of our journey. Dealing with the aftermath of a painful breakup will not define you. Instead, use the pain as a source of inspiration and strength. Each scar is a reminder of your resilience.

Lesson 2: The Power of Vulnerability

Taylor’s lyrics remind us that it’s okay to be vulnerable. Admitting our struggles and showing our true selves doesn’t make us weak; it makes us human. Sharing our own experiences with heartbreak and emotional struggles is not only therapeutic but also helps others feel less alone in their journeys.

Lesson 3: Keep Moving Forward

Taylor’s song emphasizes the importance of perseverance. Despite the pain, we must keep moving forward. Over the past five years, I’ve continued to grow my life, get to know myself and raise my child, even on days when it felt impossible. This forward momentum has been crucial in transforming my pain into progress.

Finding Hope in New Beginnings

Taylor’s new relationship with the Guy on the Chiefs gives us hope that new beginnings are possible, even after heartbreak. It shows that love can find us again, often when we least expect it, and serves as a reminder that we should remain open to new opportunities and connections, no matter our past experiences.

Funny-not-so-funny-side-note: My ex was and is a Chiefs fan through and through. In fact, these were birthday cupcakes I once baked for him. 

Inspiration for Others

I know I’m not alone in my experience. Many of us carry silent heartbreaks and personal struggles. Taylor’s “I Can Do It with a Broken Heart” is a testament to the strength we all possess, even in our darkest moments. To anyone reading this who feels overwhelmed by their own pain, remember that your struggles do not define you. Your resilience, your ability to move forward, and your capacity for growth are what truly matter.

Reflecting on the Journey

As you reflect on your journey, look at it through the eyes of gratitude for the lessons learned and the strength gained. Despite the shitty feeling of knowing you cannot get what you truly want, you can build a life that you are proud of. You can find your path, embrace your vulnerabilities, and continue to move forward. Taylor Swift’s song is a powerful reminder that we can thrive despite our pain, that our broken hearts can be a source of strength, and that we are never truly alone in our struggles.

Thank you, Taylor, for once again giving voice to our shared experiences and reminding us of our resilience.

🎧💬 On to you. Which one of Taylor’s songs speaks to you the most and why? I’d love to hear your thoughts on her lyrics.

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