
You are limitless.

You are so much more than you give yourself credit for.

You can do anything, everything if you really want.

The only thing that stands in your way is you, yes you. 

It’s often hard to see your true potential. It’s difficult to walk outside your comfort zone, believe in yourself and crush the walls you’ve built around your mind and heart.

But it’s not impossible. You can break free, rise above and live a life of true prosperity of the soul.

I’d like to challenge you to burst through your limiting beliefs in 30 days, to bite your way to freedom in a month.

Are you in?

Let’s start today!

Day 1: Write down all the things you’re scared of. Don’t worry, you won’t have to do all of them.

Day 2: Talk to a stranger.

Day 3: Speak up.

Day 4: Say no.

Day 5: Wear a color you normally don’t wear.

Day 6: Do something you’ve always wanted to do.

Day 7: Ask for help.

Day 8: Proclaim your dream.

Day 9: Catch your judgment thoughts and turn them around.

Day 10: Eat something foreign.

Day 11: Say what you really want to say.

Day 12: Sign up for a program.

Day 13: Create some kind of art.

Day 14: Listen to your heart.

Day 15: Go to an event you don’t know anyone at.

Day 16: Declutter your mind, your soul, your home.

Day 17: Your choice.

Day 18: Speak from the heart.

Day 19: Go beyond your limits while working out.

Day 20: Share your art publicly.

Day 21: Go on a date.

Day 22: Make a big decision you’ve been putting up for too long.

Day 23: Stop lying to yourself.

Day 24: Do something instead of idle standing by.

Day 25: Show your emotions freely.

Day 26: Brag about your achievements.

Day 27: Brag even more!

Day 28: Let go of that crutch you carry with your everywhere.

Day 29: Take one step towards your dream.

Day 30: Tell yourself you love yourself over and over again.

More posts on limitless

Karen writes about being confined within a circle and going beyond here

Deborah shares how we’re limited by our own thoughts here

Elizabeth asks if you know your limits here

Anne talks about her own limitations here

So, what are you going to do to bite your way to freedom in life and love? 

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