Balancing training for the Great World Race with everything else in my life is definitely a challenge, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I’m an early riser, and those quiet moments before the day kicks off are my time to focus. With seven marathons on seven continents in seven days coming up, finding a routine that works has been key. But it’s not just about running—between working full-time, being a single mom, and managing a new puppy, it takes some creativity to fit it all in.

Early Mornings: Running and Adjusting with Life

Since I always have an early start at work, you’ll find me on the treadmill before sunrise, getting my miles in. But now that Johann’s on summer vacation, I’ve been running a little later in the morning, enjoying the daylight and fresh air. It’s a nice change and helps me mentally prepare for the busy day ahead.

Post-Run: Straight into Work Mode

After my run, it’s a quick shower and then straight into work. My schedule is always full, so I make the most of every minute—whether I’m in meetings, working on projects, or squeezing in some race research. And with Johann and the puppy around, there’s always something unexpected happening!

Afternoons: Juggling Work and Mom Life

Afternoons are all about wrapping up work and balancing mom life. Being a single mom means I’m constantly switching gears between tasks and making sure everything runs smoothly at home. If I didn’t manage to fit it in earlier, I might sneak in some light activity, but mostly, afternoons are about keeping up with work and making sure Johann has what he needs.

Early Evening: Strength and Flexibility Work

A few times a week, I make time for strength or mobility work. It might be yoga, Pilates, or light strength training, depending on what my body needs. These sessions are critical for staying strong and injury-free as I prepare for the race, so I prioritize them—even when time is tight.

Evenings: Unwinding on My Own

Evenings are my time to unwind. After dinner, I usually spend some quiet time reading or watching a show. It’s my chance to decompress after a long day and recharge before everything starts again tomorrow.

Bedtime: Rest and Recharge

Getting enough sleep is essential. I aim for eight hours, even if that means shifting my schedule a bit. With training, work, and family life all in the mix, good rest is the only way I can keep up.

Making It All Work

Training for the Great World Race isn’t just about the running—it’s about balancing everything else life throws at me. Some days, it’s a juggling act, but I’m making it work. Every day brings me closer to being ready for race day, and that’s what keeps me going.

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