You Are Not Your Body – Stop Believing You Are

You are not your body. You are not your weight. You are not your size, your clothes, the number you see on your scale. I know you know that, right? But do you really know? Do you really understand? How you are NOT the fat on your bones. Or the abs on your belly. Or...

False Loyalties

In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of loyalty is undergoing a transformation. It seems the age-old virtue of standing by your side—through thick and thin—is losing its charm. Instead, loyalties are becoming more like quicksilver, slippery and hard to pin down....

What is forgiveness work?

Forgiveness might seem like a simple word, yet it carries immense power to transform lives. It’s not just about moving past disagreements; it’s a profound journey towards healing our bodies, minds, and spirits. The grudges and pains we hold onto can...

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