You probably know of the power of positive affirmations. Repeating phrases like “I choose to do this” or “I am worthy” can help to increase our self-confidence and remind us of our personal power. But what if there was an even more powerful way to affirm ourselves? Enter: afformations.

How do they work?

Afformations are a twist on positive affirmations that involve asking yourself questions instead of making statements. For example, instead of saying “I am confident,” you would ask yourself “Why am I so confident?” This may seem like a small change, but it can have a big impact on your mindset and ability to achieve your goals.

When you ask yourself affirming questions, your brain starts seeking out evidence to support these questions. So if you’re asking yourself why you’re confident, you’ll notice all the things that make you confident. This process allows you to access your inner wisdom and connect with your true potential.

The science behind afformations

The science behind why afformations are effective is fascinating: they positively recast negative self-talk as empowering questions, allowing our brains to reset and adjust our internal forms of motivation.

By retraining our brains to focus on what we want instead of what we don’t have or can’t do, we open ourselves up to whole new realms of possibility. Afformations can help us open ourselves up to feel unstoppable, and capable of achieving anything — the possibilities are endless!

Examples of successful afformations

As always, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for afformations, but here are a few of my absolute favorites:

  • Why am I so grateful?
  • Why am I so filled with joy?
  • Why am I always asking the right questions?
  • Why am I so lucky?
  • Why am I so full of energy?
  • Why am I so capable and confident?
  • Why does life just get better and better?
  • Why do I learn so easily?
  • Why am I such a great mom?
  • Why am I such a money magnet?

How to use them in your own life

Afformations can be used alone, as part of meditation or visualization processes, or even in tandem with traditional affirmations and mantras. No matter how you choose to apply them, they can bring tremendous benefit not only in terms of mental state, but physical well-being too.

When you craft your own afformations, make a list of goals or areas in your life that you’d like to improve. Then come up with questions that will help you get there. Once you have some afformations in mind, practice saying them out loud or writing them down.

Incorporate them into your daily routine by using anchors like silently asking yourself why you’re so effin’ smart while brushing your teeth or why you’re day is going to be the best day of your life before you have your first sip of coffee. If you tie your afformations to actions you take in your daily life, you’ll quickly form a habit you will not want to miss.

Tips for making the most out of your afformations

Asking yourself empowering questions is great, but change doesn’t come from having monologues in your mind.

When asking yourself an afformation and getting an answer, take a few moments to consider what action you can take that will bring you closer to achieving your goal.

Always, acknowledge successes along the way with gratitude and keep afforming even when some things seem foreeeeever to manifest. You never know when a seemingly random insight or idea will be just what you need to move forward in life.

I’ve used afformations for years now and have always found that when I am truly committed to aksing myself the right questions, my life moves in directions that make my heart and soul sing.

The key is to remember that afformations are all about asking yourself questions that help lead towards positive outcomes that matter to you! This is not about pleasing the world around you, but it’s all about listening to your truth and then working with what resonates with your dreams. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different phrasings until you find what words resonate most for you; and don’t forget to put feelings behind your afformations as this will strengthen their effectiveness.

So stay open, stay focused and happy afforming!




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