Have you noticed how some women leaders do more than just lead? They change the way their company works and build strong bonds with their team, making everyone feel valued and motivated.

This magic often comes down to understanding and meeting 6 basic Human Needs. Let’s break down these needs and show how leaders can use them to make a big difference.

Understanding the 6 Human Needs

  1. Feeling Safe (Certainty/Comfort): We all like to know what to expect at work.
  2. Enjoying Surprises (Uncertainty/Variety): We also crave new challenges and changes.
  3. Feeling Special (Significance): Everyone wants to feel important and recognized.
  4. Making Connections (Connection/Love): Strong relationships make work more enjoyable.
  5. Growing (Growth): Learning and improving keep us engaged.
  6. Helping Others (Contribution): We find purpose in making a difference.

Simple Steps to Use These Needs in Leadership

Directing the Company

  • For Safety and Growth: Make goals clear, but also encourage everyone to learn and try new things. This keeps the company steady but ready to grow.

Simple Actions:

  • Have regular meetings to talk about goals and progress.
  • Offer training sessions or online courses for new skills.

Connecting With Employees

  • For Feeling Special and Connected: Take time to understand each team member. Celebrate their successes and make sure they know how their work contributes to the big picture.

Simple Actions:

  • Schedule one-on-one check-ins to give personal feedback.
  • Create a “kudos” board where anyone can post thank you notes or compliments for others.

Impacting Employees

  • For Helping and Enjoying Surprises: Encourage your team to get involved in community projects or company-wide initiatives. Mix things up by giving them new projects or roles to tackle.

Simple Actions:

  • Organize volunteer days or charity events that the team can work on together.
  • Rotate job roles for a short period to keep things fresh and exciting.

Reflection Questions on Implementing the 6 Human Needs

  • How well do you think you’re currently meeting these six needs for yourself and your team?
  • What’s one area where you could make a bigger impact or improvement?
  • How can you better incorporate the need for growth and contribution in your leadership style?

Being a leader isn’t just about guiding your team to hit targets. It’s about creating an environment where you and your team can meet these 6 human needs. When women leaders focus on this, they don’t just excel in their roles; they help their companies grow, build deep relationships with their team, and leave a lasting positive impact on everyone.

This approach can turn the workplace into a supportive and dynamic community, pushing the company toward success.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Feeling inspired to explore how you can further elevate your leadership and make a lasting impact on your company and team? Let’s connect for a discovery call! We’ll discuss strategies tailored to your unique leadership journey and explore ways to fully engage your team by meeting these fundamental human needs.

Schedule your discovery call today and take the first step towards transforming your leadership approach and empowering those around you to achieve their best.

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