You do not have to be “good” for five days in order to eat that slice of cake or that bite of a donut.

You do not have to punish yourself with a long workout because you had “too much” to eat.

You do not have to place your worthiness as a human being on your eating behaviors.

At all.

Yes, the world out there does it.
Yes, the world tells you that you are what you eat.
Yes, the world wants you to feel inferior based on your choice of nutrition.

But you do not have to play along.
You do not have to participate in a game that the billion dollar diet industry began.

There is never a reason to deny yourself food in order to stay thin or lose weight because

a) healthy weight loss doesn’t exist
b) being thin doesn’t equal being healthy
and c) losing weight is a totally fruitless attempt at making yourself feel better as a human being.

Whenever you feel tempted to judge yourself based on how little or how healthy you eat, take a moment to check in with yourself and see what is actually going on with you.

What’s behind your pride or despair?
What are you trying to suppress or express?
Who are you trying to please and why?

I used to feel SO great when I squeezed in extra time at the gym because it meant that I would “look better” the next day or “be allowed” to eat a little bit more at night.

I used to put so much life energy into fretting about every calorie I burnt, every extra mile I’d run.

I used to be so lifeless because of all the “earning” I did.

It’s bullshit to believe that destroying your body in the pursuit of thinness is ever going to lift you up.

It’s bullshit to believe that weight loss will ever give you a sense of belonging, of worthiness, of self-love.

It’s bullshit to still believe that food and your weight define you in any shape and form.

Your body is not a robot, she’s not simply a machine that burns calories and holds on to fat.

Your body is a complex being that reacts to your thoughts, your gentleness, your willingness to relax and rest in ways that the diet and fitness industry will never admit.


Obviously, because they make money off of telling you that you are a failure because you can’t live on a super strict diet and don’t have the time to spend hours a day at the gym.

Your compulsion to “earn” your food in the gym or by restricting in massive ways hurts your body, even if it is seen as socially acceptable and even socially praised and desired.

If you stopped believing that you needed to first do something to deserve to eat,
if you stopped putting restrictions on how much you were allowed to eat,
if you stopped creating insane rules around your exercise regime
and instead simply allowed your body and your appetite to guide you,
how would your life change?

How would your approach to nourishment adapt?
How would your hunger for what life really has to offer unfold?

Would you stop seeing food as the enemy?
Would you stop seeing your body as a thing to be shaped?
Would you stop seeing yourself as only your weight?

And would you simply eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’ve had enough, living your life with so much more color and vigor?

You can’t deny your body the food she needs just because you are pressured into following society’s misguided beauty and health ideal.

Your mind cannot overwrite your body’s innate need for nourishment just because you feel that you haven’t punished yourself enough just yet.

Your desire for thinness can’t and won’t ever be enough to overcome your body’s genetics.

And just because the medical establishment and the massive industries who are interested in your money keep telling you otherwise, you will most likely not ever lose weight without severe side effects that impact your entire life and, yes, your health in negative ways.

Trust your hunger.
Trust your intuitive voice.
Trust that YOU know best based on your experience of having spent your entire life in your body.

And remember that you are always allowed to eat – whether your eating disordered voice tells you so or not.

I have two space available for a brand new program. With me. And you. 1-1. Intimate. Tight. Intense.

No bullshit.

Is your soul nudging you that it’s time to heal your relationship with food and your body?

Are you ready to walk away from the weight-shame that is ruining your life?

Is yesterday the last day you’ll lose?

Book a convo here and we’ll make sure it’s a good fit for you.

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