If I want it, I can have it
That’s why I want it
which means I can have it.
If YOU want it, YOU can have it.
That’s why you want it
which means you will have it.
Not the body of the photoshopped, distorted versions of women who starve themselves and hurt their lives.
Nope, I’m not talking about fighting your biology.
I am talking about the dreams of your soul.
The yearnings of your core.
The desires of your heart.
There’s a reason you woke up one day
feeling ready to make a big change.
There’s a reason you woke up one day
being fed up with being so hungry you couldn’t think straight.
There’s a reason why – suddenly – you decided that the life you were living for decades was to small for you and your dreams.
There’s a reason.
And if you want it, you will have it.
It’s the law.
It’s the way life works.
If you get out of your own way.
If you want it –
if you allow your ego to step aside –
if you allow your unconscious to take the lead –
if you do things differently –
if you believe –
you will create what your truth is craving for.
The thing you need to understand though is that you won’t get what you want by doing what you’ve been doing for all of your life.
You won’t get what you want by continuing to starve your mind,
by continuing to numb your feelings,
by continuing to hate on your thighs.
You won’t get what you want if you don’t change your life first.
How do you do that?
You start.
That’s all.
It really is that simple.
You can do a million things and get overwhelmed, but the most important part is that you start.
You start eating that piece of chocolate you always deny yourself.
You start celebrating that dimple in your cheek instead of hating on your breasts.
You start to get rid of your diet books and magazines instead of believing every new weight loss claim.
You stop meeting those friends who create that whole in your heart that always leads to a binge.
You stop watching the TV series that makes you google 10 Ways to Lose Fat Fast.
You stop weighing every gram of food you put into your mouth.
You take one day at a time –
and at the same time challenge yourself to create big change –
which is what we’re doing in the TRIBE this month.
You listen to music that makes your heart sing.
You listen to people that lift you up.
You listen to podcasts that share the truth about body image and dieting.
You watch YouTube videos that make you laugh until you cry.
You watch little children be super comfortable in their bodies (not in a creepy way, please!).
You watch those women who don’t follow society’s rules and you follow their example.
You turn inward to yourself and begin to drop into your body over and over and over again.
You turn toward confidantes that aren’t threatened by your vision for a better life.
You turn away from everything that hurts you.
You do something.
Pick one.
And start today.
Not in a billion years.
And then –
if you want it, you will have it.
Can you believe that?
Can you allow yourself to see that?
Can you tap into your immeasurable inner wealth?
And create the life that you are meant to live?
Just say YES.
Hell YES.
And go for it.
There’s nobody standing in the way but you.
There’s nobody who can make this decision for you.
There’s nobody who can keep you from doing this.
There’s nobody who can want it
more than you do.
There’s nobody who can create it
for you.
So, it’s going to be now
or never.
And, trust me, looking at this from the other side –
the side of freedom, of self-love, of respect for my body and complete and utter peace of mind when it comes to food –
it’s freaking amazing and so worth every single step you’ll have to take.
There is nothing more rewarding than taking this journey.
There is nothing more empowering than loving your body.
There is nothing more miraculous than eating what you want when you want.
Well, it’s normal, no?
It should be.
And it will be –
that’s why you want it.
That’s why you’ll create it.
This is your perfect storm.
The storm that was created to move you toward healing.
The storm that is happening to wake you up from the slumber of self-hatred and constant self-doubt.
This is your perfect storm.
A storm that won’t end until you learn your lesson.
Until you finally, finally, finally REALIZE that you have been the one who’s wanted to stay in misery for all of your life.
This is your perfect storm.
And you’ll drown if you don’t change from within.
You’ll drown in your own limiting beliefs.
In your own bullshit.
But you can create a new life.
You can create a better life.
You can create the relationship with food that is based on freedom.
You can –
because you want it
and that’s what you’ll have it.
Are you ready to want it?
Well, of course you are.
Otherwise you wouldn’t be here.
You wouldn’t have woken up with the desire to get out.
You wouldn’t have realized how small your world really had gotten since you started dieting and stopped living.
You wouldn’t have dared to even look for a different way of doing food, body image and self-love.
You wouldn’t ever dream it.
So, keep wanting it.
Keep yearning for it.
Keep dreaming of it.
And start moving towards it.
Because if you want it,
you will have it
as this is why you want it
which is why you’ll have it.
Beautiful, isn’t it?
I wanted it.
I have it,
which is why I wanted it
and why I’ll always have it.
Simple as that.
Ready to stop f**king around?
I have two space available for a brand new program. With me. And you. 1-1. Intimate. Tight. Intense.
No bullshit.
Is your soul nudging you that it’s time?
Are you ready to walk away from the shame that is ruining your life?
Is yesterday the last day you’ll lose?
Book a convo here and we’ll make sure it’s a good fit for you.