Do you ever find yourself….
Feeling FAT?
Looking in the mirror and wanting to cry?
Absolutely hating your body?
Hopping from one diet to the next hoping you will finally fix your emotional eating and find your self-worth?
Dreaming of being free from dieting thoughts and body-shame?
Wishing you could finally accept your body as she is?
Being at war with your body is like living a life in hell.
You’re constantly suffering, hurting, wishing you were someone else, different, better, enough.
I know, I used to wish I was a completely different person. I hated my body and abused it for decades.
The truth is that most women feel that way. We are ridiculously unhappy and insecure.
Most women spent their entire lives living for diets.
Most women never experience what it’s like to be at peace with their bodies.
Most women are extremely disconnected from the wisdom that their bodies’ hold.
Most women want to be free but are too caught up in the dieting world to actually ever believe that they can have a different life.
Most women are miserable when they look in the mirror and insecure about their looks all of their lives.
Most women realize too late what a gift their body truly is.
Women just like you.
It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you.
It doesn’t mean you’re an exception.
It doesn’t mean you’re ugly, fat, unattractive and lazy.
It’s just a reflection of our times and our inability to feel our feelings and live our lives.
Here’s what I’ve heard from the hundreds of women in my courses no matter how slim they were:
I'm fat
I feel insignificant
I'm so ashamed
I feel so judged
I will never be happy in this body
I'll have to diet all of my life
I want to cry when I look in the mirror
I just want my old body back
I just want to stop obsessing over my body and every piece of food I put into my mouth but I have no idea how to start
I wish I were confident enough to wear a bikini or even a tank top
I just want to believe that I am worthy, that I don’t have to be skinny, that I am more than my body, more than food, but I just can't do it
I want to allow myself to enjoy food, eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full but I'm scared of being out of control
I'm really trying, but I'm scared. So damn scared.

Luckily, there’s a different way to live, to be, to feel.
There’s a life without worrying about your body and simply being free.
There’s a life without blaming your body for everything that is wrong in your world.
There’s a life without the constant thoughts about which diet will help you lose your weight and which exercise program will tone your butt for bikini season.
There’s a whole new world of awesomeness out there. You might not see it yet, but I promise you, it’s there for you too.

So, what’s the SECRET? How can you finally break free?
You need….
1. An assessment of how your poor body image is affecting your life
Nothing can and will change if you’re unaware of how your current situation is affecting your life in general and your relationships, your career, your confidence, your sex life and your sense of self in particular. This requires some reflection and lots and lots of journaling. And yes, this awareness can lead to change.
2. A community of loving and compassionate people
This is a key element. Having a strong support system will make all the difference in this time of transformation. It might also require you to let go of some people in your life.
3. Continuing inspiration
Change isn’t easy, especially when you take on such deeply engrained beliefs as the ones about your body. You need to be inspired and held accountable on a continuing basis in order to stay on track and truly change your life.
4. A mindset makeover
We’ve been brainwashed (yes, really) by the media, our culture and the people we spend our lives with. Letting go of the belief that we have to diet all of our lives and that we need to look a certain way in order to be happy, at peace and successful takes a radical mindset makeover. It’s challenging, but oh so doable and so very freeing.
5. The right skills
In order to continue living a life of freedom, you need to master a few key skills that’ll keep you grounded, relaxed and true to who you are and what you actually want.
6. A guide who’s been there and who knows what truly helps
Nothing replaces having a coach who can relate to what you’re going through. Nothing replaces having a coach who can guide you along the way. Nothing replaces that gentle kick in the butt that you need in order to create lasting change. Nothing replaces having someone at your side who has been where you are now.
I’ve been able to use this formula myself and with others and the results have blown me away.
The women in my community are changing their lives every single day.
Women like you are breaking free.
Women like you are finally getting rid of their scales, learning to eat again, listen to their bodies and stop dieting once and for all.
And no, they’re not obese and out of control.
And no, they don’t hate themselves every second of the day.
And no, they’ve not been abandoned by everyone.
Now, I want YOU to have the same experience.
That’s why I created the Body-Love Wellness Circles.
A program that actually works.
A program that is different from all the rest.
A program that helps to heal, let go and create a new life – without dieting and body-shame.

What others are saying
Anne-Sophie pours her heart out and fills you up with good cheer, a possibility mindset, and an eagerness to try new things that deepen your self-love + self-care practices.
Swinging from video to audio to text and back again, this is a multimedia programme with something for everyone on the journey to self-love.
Anne-Sophie deeply touched my heart, and it’s flowed on to my life.
This year has been largely about learning coping strategies.
Anne-Sophie has showed me numerous ways to put into practice things I’m learning. Anne-Sophie’s writing and her courage is, I believe, of GREAT importance to many!!
I am only one, and a very grateful one at that.
This is a beautiful and interactive program filled to the brim with wisdom, mindfulness and love.
You can tell that Anne-Sophie has lived – and this course is made for real people with real struggles. I have been inspired and uplifted – and you will too!In addition, I just have to say that I’ve been blessed with meeting Anne-Sophie in person twice and she is an absolutely adorable person too. I wholeheartedly recommend her work.
My journey to body-acceptance
For most of my life, I’ve hated my body.
For most of my life, I’ve been terrified of gaining weight, of stepping into my true body, of becoming the person I truly am. I’ve hidden behind calories, food-obsessed thoughts and body-centric habits. I’ve lived the agony – for 14 years.
But, I’ve turned it around. Completely.
It’s been a slow process and it certainly didn’t happen over night. But with the right tools (journaling, coaching, meditation, the practice of letting go, surrendering and lots and lots of dealing with the root causes of my body-shame) I was able to stop dieting, stop obsessing over every calorie I put into my mouth and stop freaking out when I missed a workout.
Now, I’m in love with my healthy body. Now, I eat what I want when I want. Now, I don’t freak out when I see a picture of myself and I don’t shed tears when I get dressed. Now, I’m free, at peace and happy.
I’ve overcome my struggles with food and have found my way to a balanced, healthy diet. I know now that my true worthiness lies in more than just the way I look.
Sounds awesome, right?
I’m not telling you this just to brag. I’m telling you this because I want you to see that there is hope, that you can heal, that you can find joy in your body without dieting all your life.
But sometimes you just can’t do it alone, right? You are treading water. You’re doubting your every move. Your inner demons are holding you back from actually doing the first step, from really changing your life.
“You have helped me find my way and in particular, taught me what no one else has ever been able to- that food does not have to rule me and I am beautiful exactly as I am; and THAT has set me free.”
Some would say it was pure chance that I came across Anne-Sophie when I did but I like to believe that it was the universe working its magic!
I have struggled with my weight all my life. As a child I thought I was “fat” even when I was skinny, and in my late teens and early twenties I turned to food no matter what emotion I was feeling. By the time I had had my first child I was 5 stone overweight and two more subsequent, and very close pregnancies ensured that the extra weight I was carrying stayed around. In my 30’s my marriage was in its demise and once again I relied on food to get me through the divorce and emotional turmoil that followed. After a short time I remarried, fell pregnant and whilst I managed to control my eating better 4th time around, I was still around 5 stone over weight and again in a marriage that was to say the least, difficult. As my second, and short lived, marriage dissolved life wasn’t easy in many ways.
That was nearly 5 years ago, and I have been on a voyage of self- discovery for the last three of those amazing years! It was during this time that I found Anne- Sophie.
Facing your demons, especially your body image demons, can be difficult and scary. Recognising and changing patterns of behaviour with food is extremely hard when they’re your own. It is so hard to really understand how and why we allow ourselves to become reliant on food intake in an unsupportive way; but Anne-Sophie helped me work the difficult stuff out! Her amazing ability to get you to really look at yourself from a loving and supportive perspective is beyond measure, and her extensive knowledge about eating, and the psychology surrounding it, means she has the expertise to give you exactly what tools you need to work past them! I will take with me and remember those tools for the rest of my life, and as I type this I am 70lbs down (wow right?) and more motivated than ever to carry on giving myself what I need to be healthy and happy once and for all!
Anne-Sophie; I will be forever grateful to you for showing me the way through the clouds and for giving me a horizon I am happy to look at for the rest of my days. You have helped me find my way and in particular, taught me what no one else has ever been able to- that food does not have to rule me and I am beautiful exactly as I am; and THAT has set me free. Thank you. X
Reading self-help books isn’t enough
When I was in the middle of my dieting hell, I used to read all kinds of books – from Geneen Roth to psychology books to – ironically – diet books. I thought I’d find my healing in the pages of other people’s thoughts and experiences. I thought I could just look at their words and somehow my relationship to food and my body would change. I thought I could just think my way into a new way of life.
Well, I was very wrong.
Reading books is not going to heal your relationship with your body.
Being inspired by words isn’t going to help you break away from the dieting world.
You have to work on yourself. You have to be active, do something in order to change.
Unless you work through your issues, you will never change
This may not be what you want to hear, but thinking your way into a new life won’t do it. Yes, that’s an important part, but taking action is just as important – if not more.
By taking a good, hard look at your blocks, your fears, your traumas of the past and lovingly letting go of them, you will be able to change.
It takes more time. It takes more effort. But it’s also the only thing that truly works.
Taking action – that’s how change happens
Anne-Sophie is a role model and a source of hope to many people.Anne-Sophie is a powerful communicator. She has a way of engaging audiences and making them comfortable to talk about difficult subjects (i.e., eating disorder recovery, depression, etc.) through sharing her own journey. I’m blessed to call her a friend.
I can not begin to tell you what a difference that Anne-Sophie has made in my life. I began my coaching relationship with Anne-Sophie during her 6 month small group session that she held in 2014.
Prior to that I was fortunate enough to have some free coaching sessions in order for her to be able to practice a specific style of coaching. It was during these free sessions that I knew I needed to go that next step and meet with her regularly. I knew that I did not want to continue what I was experiencing every day. I was sick of thinking about food every moment of my life. I hated the internal battle that I had daily about whether I had eaten too much, eaten the wrong things, exercised enough, and why I was NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
The Body Love Writing Circles was the best thing I could ever have done for myself.
That program revealed to me the things in my life that cause me pain, illuminated my hangups around my body and food and the way I thought I was supposed to look and gave me a way to find peace in my life.
Anne Sophie’s program was the perfect thing for me to do at that time in my life. I have continued my coaching sessions with Anne-Sophie after the Writing Circles were finished, as I had additional needs that I wanted to explore and resolve. She has an innate ability to reveal insights into my thought processes and personal beliefs and which allows me to examine those beliefs from a different perspective. This ability has been key to my recovery from restriction and disordered thinking, and indeed has given me the ability to begin loving my body as it is at its natural weight.
I can not begin to tell you what a difference that Anne-Sophie has made in my life. Her coaching has allowed me to live a life that is much more authentic and free. I am released from the chains of diets and scales and self-deprecation. I am on a journey to live the most positive life that I am able to and am always searching for the things that I truly want, not the things that I imagine others want from me.
Your relationship with your body and with food can change!
You might be thinking that your situation is hopeless, that you’ll always have to fight your body, log calories, exercise your body to the ground, stay hungry and unsatisfied.
You might be thinking that you’re the exception, that you’re different than those who did break free.
I thought this way too.
I thought I’d never be able to get back the space in my mind that the thoughts about food and my body were occupying. I thought I’d have to suffer forever.
In fact, most of my clients think that way.
But the cool thing is that I was wrong, my clients are wrong and you are wrong too.
Your relationship with food and your body can change. It will change if you take the right steps, if you learn the right skills and if you transform your mindset – lovingly, of course.
It might not happen overnight, but it can happen for sure.
What are the Body-Love Wellness Circles?
The Body-Love Wellness Circles is a 6-month immersion into the power of loving your body.
The Circles will be focused around transforming the relationship you have or may not have with your body.
In my work I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know hundreds of women who are completely disconnected from their bodies. A simple body scan is often already way too overwhelming for them.
This is a result of our culture and chances are that you are affected by this too.
We’re going to change that in the months ahead. The Body-Love Wellness Circles will help you to begin listening to your body, reconnect with your body and change the way you see your body – in a very gentle, loving way.
We’re going to change the conversation from one of abusing your body to embracing your body – in a real way.
And yes, it is possible to get to this point.
Changing your body does not start with changing your diet. It starts HERE!
I really wish I had known Anne-Sophie 3 years ago when I finally faced my dissatisfaction with my body and my poor self-love and started working out and eating differently to create the body I never thought I could have. Even after testing and trialling so many different exercise regimes from P90X to CrossFit to running to swimming etc and dietary approaches and after reading what feels like hundreds of books on the subject matter, I have come to learn that I could be as skinny as I think I “should” be and STILL not feel happy in my body unless I addressed the core beliefs and stories I held locked in my head and heart about my body. This programme does that. And I hope that for you it comes at the beginning of the journey!
Because Anne-Sophie will blow your socks off with her compassion, experience, kindness, coaching expertise and tools that have genuinely helped HER transform her own life and that of so many of her clients.
“Her teachings are firm but she is so gentle. She tells you how it is and debunks the diet myths. She helped me dig deeper and find my compass of what I really want.”
When I started on the anti-diet movement with Anne-Sophie I had disordered eating. I had struggled with disordered eating my whole life. I’d go from dieting and starving myself to binging. I had been on a diet for as long as I could remember. Even as young as third grade because my father didn’t like a bigger child and put me on several diets that failed. Then I found the secret sauce of not eating and I lost the weight. That followed me into my adult life where I’d binge, feel ashamed, and restrict. Then I found Anne-Sophie Reinhardt.
First I found her podcast and it was so refreshing to find someone that understood. Then I followed her on Facebook and she announced she was opening up a Facebook Tribe and I instantly signed up. I think I was the first one or close to it. I was eager to give up the disordered eating. My stomach was a mess and I could hardly eat anything without my gut feeling like it was on fire.
While I was a part of the Tribe I learned to let go of my belief that food was the answer to all my problems. That if I just lost ten more pounds I’d be happy. She helped me to dig deeper inside myself and peel back the layers of hurt. She taught me how to talk to myself and build myself up because I was pretty broken inside. She helped me to forgive my father and stop being the victim. My father may have started the problem but it was me who could finish it by forgiving him.
Her teachings are firm but she is so gentle. She tells you how it is and debunks the diet myths. She helped me dig deeper and find my compass of what I really want.
I don’t count calories anymore. I don’t let myself say this food is bad or good because it’s just food. I don’t crave bags of sugar. I haven’t stepped on a scale since before I started with her anti-diet movement. Best of all I found my passion of writing again because she helped me to put the perfection monster to rest. I feel so free now. She gave me the power to be me and live for me and not put what other’s may or may not think of me first.
How do you know if the Body-Love Wellness Circles are right for YOU?
Would you tick yes to any of the following?
I finally want to accept my body.
I want to have more space to live.
I want to find out what I actually want for myself and my body.
I never want to diet (=abuse myself) again.
I’d love to stop binging when I’m emotional.
I want to stop my addiction to sugar.
I want to stop labelling food as good and bad.
I want to accept my saggy skin.
I’d love to feel lighter.
I want to finally have sex with the lights on again.
I’d love to bridge that gap I feel inside and find myself again.
I long to be happy, healthy and free.
I so want to accept and love myself.
I feel stuck.
I feel something is missing in my life.
I never feel satisfied, especially not with my body.
I feel broken.
I yearn to love my body.
I want to radically transform my life.
Then this program is for you.
To be honest, I wish this program had been available when I started the long painful journey to accepting and loving myself. But at least through that journey I now have the answer that allows me to help people who feel like I did, people like you.
What will you get out of the Body-Love Wellness Circles?
You will begin to notice your body again.
Most of us are completely disconnected from our bodies. We have no idea what it actually means to feel our bodies and to inhabit them. In the Circles, you’ll learn to notice your body again and slowly come back to a natural way of living with your body instead of hating upon it.
You will break your addiction to sugar and stop depending on food for happiness.
Many of us are addicted to sugar and we use food to either numb or feelings or enhance them. In the Circles, you’ll begin to weave yourself off those addictions and find the freedom in making food choices based on what your body actually needs instead of what your mind wants for emotional stimulation.
You will stop abusing your body and yourself.
We abuse our bodies with thoughts and behaviors and it’s so normal that we often don’t even realize it. In this program, you’ll become aware of all the abuse you’re putting yourself through and you’ll lovingly and gently transform your hateful thoughts to loving ones.
You will be at ease with your body and feel good in your skin.
With the changes in perceiving yourself and food, you’ll naturally begin to feel at ease with your body. You’ll rock your outfits, laugh wholeheartedly and even walk around nakedly again without feeling shame and misery.
You will stop dieting once and for all - if that is your wish.
Diets are evil (yes, they are!) and they ruin way too many lives. By joining the Circles, you’ll learn to eat in harmony with your body again instead of solely relying on your mind, the media and weight loss programs and books to tell you how much you should eat, when you should eat and what you should eat.
You will allow yourself to be imperfect - and love yourself anyway.
We are all perfectly imperfect, but it’s hard to embrace that fact. By coming back home to your body, you’ll begin to free yourself of the need to be and look perfect all the time. And you’ll delight in the positive space that letting go of perfectionism will provide.
You will stop thinking about food. All. The. Time.
When your life revolves around food, it plain old sucks. Thinking about 24/7 takes away all the joy you have for other things. In the Circles, you’ll turn that around and instead of obsessing over what to eat and when and where, you’ll begin to live in the moment and enjoy your life in so many more ways.
You will learn to truly love and accept yourself.
By doing the work and transforming your thoughts, you’ll begin to love and accept all of yourself again. Getting to this point takes time and lots and lots of TLC, but it is possible for everyone – including YOU.
So Here’s Everything You Get in the Body-Love Wellness Circles…
- You will spend 6 months with a supportive community in a virtual group that will help you to remove your body-acceptance blocks and enable you to finally be free
- You will get monthly video and audio lessons that provide you with all the information you need in order to change your life and your relationship with yourself
- You will get 10 never-before published meditation tracks that will lead you to a deeper understanding of your body and help you to eat clean, lose weight and finally stop dieting
- You will receive countless writing prompts in your tailor-made workbook that will enable you to unlock your inner truths and live in balance with your true hungers
- Support in the private Facebook group that will give you daily encouragement in the process of letting go of wanting to be thin, different and someone you’re not
- You will have 3 live meetings with writing, body-image and self-love coaching and Q&A, which will help you to shed a light on your inner blockages and break through the fears of eating, gaining weight or keeping your weight off
- You will receive much more support including guest expert advice, meal suggestions, workout videos and self-care tools
- BONUS#1: Body-loving Meditations Audio
The Subliminal Body-loving Mantras audio is infused with 1111 powerful affirmations for you to accept your body as it is.The affirmations in this 1 hour and 11 minute audio are embedded below the peaceful sounds of the ocean and seagulls for your subconscious mind to hear.
- BONUS #2: Radical Body-Acceptance LoveBook
The Radical Body-Acceptance LoveBook will be the beginning of your body-love journey. It provides action-packed tips and tricks to jumpstart your body-acceptance journey.
- BONUS #3: The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image Audiobook
Get the audio version of my best-selling book The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image and listen to body-love messages on the way to work, in the car, when taking a walk or while falling asleep to let go of your body-hating habits with ease.
Total Value: Priceless
The Body-Love Wellness Circles Schedule
Circle 1 – The blockages, fears and ghosts of the past
Change is impossible if you don’t address the root cause. That’s why we’re devoting Circle 1 to uncovering all the hurtful beliefs, the limiting thoughts and the destructive lies you keep holding on about yourself, your body and food.
Circle 2 – The weight and the food
How is your weight affecting your life? How are your food choices affecting your body? How has your relationship with your body changed due to weight gain/weight loss in the past or present? We’re going to address these issues in a loving and non-dieting way, which will enable you to make lasting change in the way you view food and what kind of foods you choose to treat your body with.
Circle 3 – Your true hungers
When you’re focusing on hating on your body, you are neglecting your real life. In this Circle, we’ll focus on what it is you are actually hungry for.
What do you want your life to actually look like? How do you want to feel in your body? How do you want to be around other people?
Circle 4 – Dealing with feelings
One of the reasons why we focus so much on our bodies is the fact that we never really learned to deal with our true feelings and unearth our inner truths. That’s what this Circle is all about. We’re going to learn to delight in the vast amount of feelings we have without trying to numb ourselves with food, exercise, alcohol and body-shaming.
Circle 5 – Delighting in scrumptious self-care
Self-care is an essential part of living a body-loving life. Self-care often keeps you sane and grounded, which is essential in continuing to live in freedom from diets and body-shame. This Circle is devoted to helping you figure our what you need, what truly helps you and what enables you to stay true to who you are and what you want for your body and yourself.
Circle 6 – Create your own rules
We’ve done a lot of work around body image and self-love in the last 5 months. This month is devoted to figuring out what worked for you and what didn’t really work for you. We’re compiling everything we’ve learned about ourselves, our bodies and our dreams and hopes into creating our own rules for our lives and our bodies.
Ready to join us? Ready to change your life?
You only have one life to live and wasting it by obsessing over food and your body is simply not acceptable. So, believe in yourself and in your worthiness!
Are you ready?
When you sign up today, you get:
Your Body-Love Insider Workbook
Your Body-Love Wellness Recipe Book
Your Radical Body-Acceptance Workbook
Monthly Video and Audio Lessons
Workout videos
Your Meditation CD
Immediate Access to the Facebook Group
The Subliminal Body-loving Mantras audio
The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Body Image Audiobook
And more!

You’ve got questions? I’ve got answers!
I can’t afford Body-Love Wellness Circles. What do I do?
I understand that this is a big investment. But let me ask you this: how much is living in freedom from your insecurities about food and your body worth to you? How much do you actually want to be free?
I know I would’ve given anything to finally regain my peace of mind and live a life without the constant fearful and hateful thoughts. I would’ve given anything to just feel alive again.
How about you? Do you want to live the rest of your life like that? Do you want to constantly suffer, diet and worry about your weight and body? Do you really want this to be your life?
I’ve created the payment plans to make it possible for you to join this program and change your life forever. So, grab your chance now and give yourself the opportunity you deserve.
Can I really accept my body the way it is?
Yes, you can. You may not fall in love with your body, but you can learn to accept it and live in peace with it. You can wake up in the morning without feeling the need to weigh yourself. You can look in the mirror without plotting the next diet. You can go shopping for new clothes without freaking out. You can look at pictures and not hate what you see.
You can accept your body – no matter your weight.
In this program, I show you how.
Will I get support specifically for my needs?
You will have plenty of opportunities to ask me all the questions you need. You will get unlimited support via email and we will have bi-monthly meetings where I will stay on as long as I need in order to address all of your concerns and needs.
You can’t get more tailor-made support than this.
Isn’t 6 months too long?
In fact, one of my concerns of creating this program was not wanting to overwhelm you and that’s why this program runs for 6 months and not just a few weeks.
This will give you the opportunity to slowly remove the mind blocks, insecurities, hurtful beliefs and thus transform yourself from within instead of trying to put a new way of feeling on top of the old one without dealing with all the s**t that’s underneath.
I don’t think that I will ever be free! This will surely not work for me!
That’s what I thought all of my life too.
I thought that I was the exception, that I would just have to suffer and watch others having the time of their lives. I thought I’d always have to say no to cupcakes, no to parties, no to weekends with friends. I
I believed that if I ever wanted to be loved, I’d have to restrict, deny myself of all pleasures and everything that makes life fun and worth living.
However, once I developed my formal for body-acceptance, everything changed and suddenly I was able to live the way other people lived – without agonizing over the exact shape of my face, my arms and my butt.
Over the years, I’ve worked with hundreds of women and I’ve helped them achieve the same. Women who never believed their lives could change suddenly found themselves living in freedom, going on sabbaticals, doing adventures in Alaska without worrying about what they were going to eat and when. They suddenly opened up to their partners again, got a raise at work and had sex with the light on without worrying about their body shape and how they might look.
I’ve seen women thrive, come alive and step into the gorgeous souls they truly are.
I’m super busy – how much time will I need to invest in the Circles?
Joining the Circles does require some work, but it won’t be overwhelming. The program is designed for you to have enough time to go through the lessons and still enjoy your life. There’ll be a lot of transformation going on subconsciously over the 6 months of the program.
It’s best to devote a few minutes every day to yourself and to the program. That way, you’ll continually feel inspired, supported and open to welcoming a whole new level of being into your life.
Anne-Sophie Reinhardt is an anti-diet coach and body confidence expert who wants you to know one thing: your weight does NOT determine your worth.
A firm believer that you don’t (and shouldn’t) have to wait to start living because of your weight, Anne-Sophie works with women around the globe to help them escape diet prison and make eating fun again (because life is a lot more delicious when food doesn’t rule your life).Now a Certified Eating Psychology Coach and Martha Beck Life Coach, Anne-Sophie struggled with disordered eating, yo-yo dieting and binging and purging for over 14 years. After a serious health scare, Anne-Sophie entered recovery and launched her own recovery-focused blog, later named one of the Best 25 Personal Growth Blogs 2015 by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating.Since then, she’s helped countless clients write new rules around food, self love, body image and life in general and has shared her revolutionary anti-diet message in top publications like She Takes on the World, Tiny Buddha and Huffington Post.
And when Anne-Sophie’s not helping clients fall madly in love with their own bodies (and lives) you’ll likely find her enjoying her own by devouring a delicious book, swimming with her adorable son, savoring a massive ice cream cone (sans guilt) or (most likely) catching up on old episodes of Grey’s Anatomy.

PS: I’m sure you’re still reading this for a reason. You obviously yearn to be at peace with you who are, but maybe you’re unsure whether or not you deserve to come to such a place.
I’d like you to try something with me now…Imagine that in 14 short days you’ve connected with yourself and your body in a deeper way. Imagine how incredible it would feel to know that you are worthy, lovable and deserving of all the happiness in the world and that your body doesn’t have to stand in the way of that happiness and fulfillment. Imagine what it would feel like to know that you don’t have to change, lose weight or negate your true nature to completely accept yourself.You’re not that far away from that reality right now.
Now on the other hand imagine what would happen if you never stepped up and made yourself a priority. Imagine how your life would be impacted. Imagine how much more pain or despair you’d remain in if you, yes YOU, didn’t take action and gave yourself and your body a chance to hearl.
Imagine the suffering that would be created by you not doing this.
So, what’ll it be? Which choice will you make?
Grab your spot in the program now.